About the Dickinson PTO
What is the PTO?
PTO stands for “Parent Teacher Organization.”
Our mission is to bring families, school and community together to enhance and enrich the educational opportunities for all children at Dickinson.
We provide our school with funds, programs, resources & services that will maximize the education of every child and benefit the school.
Who is the PTO?
Every Dickinson parent, staff member and teacher are automatically a member of the Dickinson PTO.
We encourage every PTO member to become involved as much or little as they are able!
What does the PTO do?
The PTO provides monetary or volunteer support to...
Back to School Social
Kindergarten Play Date
Vision Screenings
Holiday Gift Shop
Family Dance
Bingo Night
Valentine's Hot Cocoa Stand
Book Fairs
Field Trips
Picture Day
Teacher Appreciation Week
Spring Lemonade Stand
Spirit Wear
Cardinal Carnival
Redbird Rally
And so much more…
Why Should I Get Involved?
It's a great way to meet teachers, staff & other parents.
Become better informed about school issues and activities.
Parent involvement positively impacts your child’s education.
You can make positive improvements at our school.
You can be as involved as much or as little as you would like to be.
It is rewarding and fun.
You will help strengthen the Dickinson community.
We need you!
Contact the PTO
Questions? Comments? Want to get involved?
We can't wait to hear from you!